2001 Sparks in the dark

Auditory butic  

2001: A Space Odyssey, by Stanley Kubrick, is one of the most admired, controversial, commented and analysed films of all time. A feature film that, more than establishing certainties, raises questions and deep reflections on the place that the human being occupies and its evolution as a small part of the universe.

To mark the 50th anniversary of the film, TCM premieres 2001 sparks in the dark, a 20-minute film that recreates the interview with Kubrick that Playboy magazine published in its September 1968 issue.

From that interview there was no filmed material, but this production reconstructs that encounter through different animation techniques. Nor has the audio recording survived. The voice that pronounces Kubrick answers is the one of the actor Keir Dullea. The protagonist of 2001: A Space Odyssey is 81 and has accepted this collaboration as a tribute to the director who offered him the great opportunity of his career.