• Animum Auditorium
  • Spanish (simultaneous interpretation)
  • animation, artificial intelligence
  • 001
  • 002
  • 003

AIs generate a combination of opposing feelings. On the one hand, they amaze us and on the other they generate a thousand questions and doubts. Within this tide of options, possibilities and doubts, this talk tries to explain certain practical implementations and workflows of artificial intelligence applied to animation within a 3D program.

Daniel Martinez Lara (Madrid, 1972) was awarded with a Goya Award for best animated short film for Alike in 2016. He focuses his professional activity in three areas: teaching 3D animation in his own school Pepe School Land, creating short films and finally, designing and developing animation tools such as Blender Grease Pencil and Claymation.

Throughout his career he has worked on films, advertising and series with various companies.